Boca Raton Assembly

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need more information about the Knights of Columbus Assembly 3092 in Boca Raton, we are here to help! Whether you are a Catholic man interested in joining our brotherhood, someone looking to donate, or a volunteer eager to support our community events, we welcome your inquiries.

You can reach out to our Faithful Navigator, Joe C Guerrero, by phone or email, or stop by our office. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with membership details, event participation, and any other questions you may have. We look forward to connecting with you and working together to make a positive impact in our community.

If you have any questions or need more information about the Knights of Columbus Assembly 3092 in Boca Raton, we are here to help! Whether you are a Catholic man interested in joining our brotherhood, someone looking to donate, or a volunteer eager to support our community events, we welcome your inquiries.

You can reach out to our Faithful Navigator, Joe C Guerrero, by phone or email, or stop by our office. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with membership details, event participation, and any other questions you may have. We look forward to connecting with you and working together to make a positive impact in our community.

Assembly Officers and Contact Numbers for 2024/2025

Joe C Guerrero
Gerald B (Gerry) Gawaldo
Terence J (Terry) Kollman
Robert A (Rob) Zucco
Henry P (Hank) Masone
Dennis Rodriguez
Rafael O (Ray) Sanchez
Thomas M (Tom) Corcione
Richard R Daddieco
Ronald W (Ron) Sheldon
Keith D Chambers
Christopher A Laudato
Fr Christopher J Iannizzotto
Amado D Samson
Joe C GuerreroFaithful
Gerald B (Gerry) GawaldoFaithful
Terence J (Terry) KollmanFaithful
Robert A (Rob) ZuccoFaithful
Henry P (Hank) MasoneFaithful
Dennis RodriguezFaithful
Rafael O (Ray) SanchezFaithful
Thomas M (Tom) CorcioneFaithful Inner
Richard R DaddiecoFaithful Outer Sentinel954-601-7595RICHIEFL51@AOL.COM
Ronald W (Ron) SheldonTrustee 1
Keith D ChambersTrustee 2
Christopher A LaudatoTrustee 3
Fr Christopher J IannizzottoFaithful
Amado D SamsonHonor Guard

Our Address

Our Lady of Lourdes at 22094 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33428

Our Address

Our Lady of Lourdes at 22094 Lyons Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33428