The Holiday Season is upon us. Where did the year go?
I want to thank you all for your efforts and votes to vote down Amendment 4. As we all know life begins in the womb.
Also, I would like to thank all who participated in our annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner Dance. Without your assistance in the planning, preparations for and attendance, it would not be the success it was and is.
I hope all had a memorable Thanksgiving reflecting on all we have to thank God for this past year.
As for December, the Assembly is running our manual Christmas Raffle in support of our Vets during the entire month. Be sure and buy your raffle ticket. Keith has and is securing some great prizes.
As for religious reflections and obligations, Advent begins on the First of the month. It is a time for preparation and reflection in anticipation of the celebration of Christ’s birth.
This year, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (8 DEC) falls on a Sunday. The feast will be celebrated on the following Monday (9 DEC) and is a Holy Day of Obligation in Palm Beach Diocese.
That brings us to Christmas and New Year’s Days, which are also Holy Days of Obligation (the Nativity of the Lord and the Solemnity of Mary).
Here is hoping you and yours have a most joyous and blessed Holiday Season.
On the horizon with the new year, our annual Assembly Dues will be solicited. It remains $40 for renewals. Rob will be sending out reminders. There is now a link in the footer of this website for members to pay their DUES.
Again, I want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Don’t forget to thank God for all the benefits we enjoy in this country and pray for the state of our country and the state of the world in the days to come. We need all the help we can get.
Vivat Jesus:
Joe C Guerrero
Faithful Navigator
Boca Raton Assembly #3092