Boca Raton Assembly

November Boca Knights Bugle – Welcome

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We are quickly approaching the Holiday Season. The clocks get set back an hour on 3 NOV and the “snowbirds” will shortly be returning.

This month will be very busy. We have All Saints Day Holy Day of Obligation, Election Day and two federal holidays: Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.

On Election Day this year, we not only choose between a more liberal and more conservative path for the country, but Life itself. We are talking about the unborn. Your NO vote on Amendment 4 is a vote for Life. I urge you all to consider this when voting on November 5th.

I also ask you consider the Veterans and the sacrifices they made to protect our American Way of Life. Veterans Day is November 11. Our Assembly will be holding our annual Vets Dinner & Dance on November 9th. Vets are free. Please take the time to review the info is this month’s Bugle (pages 2 and 9). Register early for the Dinner Dance. Registration closes 2 NOV. Hope to see you there.

You can register on our new web site or using the QR Code contained on the flyer on page 9.

Check out our new web site. It contains a lot of information. Your input is always welcome. Before we close out the month, we would like to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. Don’t forget to thank God for all the benefits we enjoy in this county and pray for the state of our country and the state of the world in the days to come. We need all the help we can get.

We will be holding our annual Christmas Raffle in December benefiting our Vet. 31 opportunities to win.

Vivat Jesus:
Joe C Guerrero
Faithful Navigator
Boca Raton Assembly #3092

Download the November Edition of the Bugle