October Boca Knights Bugle – Welcome
Fall has arrived, even though for us, the leaves have not changed colors. Holidays this month include Columbus Day and Halloween. A number of Council Churches will be having “Trunk or Treat”. See Page 9 for the list we have as of this printing.
October is Respect Life Month. I would like to invite you to the annual March for Life conducted on 20 OCT between St Joan of Arc and Sanborn Square. See Page 9 for additional detail.
Squeezed between this month and the end of year holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years) are 3 important dates:
◼ 01 NOV All Saints Holy Day of Obligation
◼ 05 NOV Elections Day
Our Presidential Election will have implications on all of us. The vote on Amendment 4—The Pro-Abortion Amendment will determine the life of many an unborn in in this state. I urge you to follow the Florida Conference of Bishops position and Vote No.
◼ 09 NOV Veterans Appreciation Dinner and Dance.
Concerning the Vets D&D; we would like to get an accurate count of those attending, So, be sure and register early. Also, Vets attend for free. We will be giving away free Turkeys again this year.
Less I forget, we also have Veterans Day on 11 NOV. We will also hold our annual Christmas Raffle in December to benefit our vets. 31 opportunities to win. More on this next month.
Check out the last page of this Bugle for a tentative 2025 Assembly events calendar.
Vivat Jesus:
Joe C Guerrero
Faithful Navigator
Boca Raton Assembly #3092